♥57 Things that keep me on track

I didn't make this up so that crazy bitch who keeps messaging me, YOU CAN STOP NOW. just google it, you'll find it in a bunch of different places. I just read these stuff as a motivator when I'm about to binge and they actually help me.
Some of these reasons make no sense and are completely not logical. I know.. but what can I say, I have a fucked up mind and I like this list.. So no need to message me and tell me it's dumb. If you don't like it then don't keep reading it.

01. You will be FAT if you eat today, just put it off one more day.

02. You don't NEED food.

03. Fat people can't fit everywhere.

04. Guys will be able to pick you up without struggling.

05. You'll be able to run faster without all that extra weight holding you back.

06. People will remember you as "the beautiful thin one".

07. If someone has to describe you, they'll say "oh she weighs like 90, 100 lbs".

08. Guys will want to get to know you, not laugh at you and walk away.

09. Starving is an example of excellent willpower.

10. You will be able to see your beautiful, beautiful bones.

11. Bones are clean and pure. Fat is dirty and hangs on your bones like a parasite.

12. If you eat then you'll look like those disgusting, fat, ghetto and trailer-trash hookers on Jerry Springer.

13. The models that everyone claims are beautiful, the spitting image of perfection, are any of them fat? NO!

14. Too many people in the world are obese.

15. People who eat are selfish and unrealistic.

16. Only fat people are attracted to fat people. Do you want pigs to like you because you are one of them.

17. Anyone can have "inner beauty" but few can earn real beauty, inside as well as out.

18. You'll be able to move as quietly and skillfully as a spider.

19. Only thin people are graceful.

20. If you slap a fat person you can see a shockwave ripple over their skin. That's disgusting.

21. Do you want people to say "for gods sake get off me you're crushing me!!!" or "you are sooo light" ???

22. Underweight aka perfect body.

23. Ballerina? or beanbag?

24. I want to be light enough so a helium balloon could lift me and carry me to the clouds.

25. I want to walk in the snow and leave no footprints.

26. Starve off the parts you don't need. They're ugly and they drag you down.

27. Nothing cant be fixed with hunger and weight loss.

28. Saying "no thanks" to food is saying "yes please" to THIN!!!

29. Fat people are so huge, yet people look away from them as if they don't exist.

30. The only time people do notice a fat person is when they get in the way of that beautiful thin girl walking by (ok that sounds really horrible i know.)

31. Have you ever seen a person NOT notice a walking skeleton.

32. Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.

33. Is food more important that happiness in life? I think not!

34. Eating is conforming to everyone else's expectations.

35. When you start to get dizzy and weak you're almost there.

36. Hunger is your friend and it won't betray you like food.

37. Food is mean and sneaky. It tricks you into eating it and it works on you from the inside out making you fat, bloated, ugly and unhappy.

38. Think of anorexia as your secret weapon.

39. If you can name one reason to be fat, I'll name a million and one to be thin.

40. Thin people look good in ANY kind of clothes.

41. Food rots your teeth.

42. Puffy cheeks, double chins and thick ankles-- aren't attractive.

43. Fatty areas stretch and sag as you get older.

44. Ever seen the arms of a fat person wave hello or goodbye?

45. Eating little to nothing saves you money!

46. The average (middle class) American wastes OVER $8,000 a year on FOOD ALONE...it goes in one end and out the other. That sure is a lot of fat! No wonder so many Americans are obese and overweight!

47. Fat people make their country look bad.

48. Big people sweat more and they smell bad.

49. Fat people die earlier.

50. You'll be the envy of all the other girls.

51. All of the guys will want you.

52. You're less likely to get food poisoning.

53. You won't be exposed to all the chemicals and pesticides they put in food today.

54. You won't get sweaty on hot days.

55. The word fat will only apply to you in a sarcastic way.

56. No one wants to see a fat person dance.

57. Beauty Queen? or Dairy Queen? HAHA I can't help but think about Kirstie Alley with this one. Aw poor lady. Maybe if she wasn't so damn huge I would lay off of her

later gaters


  1. u have a HUGE problem

  2. thanks for noticing.. i hadn't realised.. I'll be sure to see about that ;)

    1. i want to contact you, insta,fb,kik, anything? i just want to talk to a person like you. Please ��

  3. bahahahaha errthing in this list is so damn mean but soo true, props to you fer having the guts to put this up :)

  4. u bitch your gonna die if you keep this up. be happy with your body and make peace with yourself...and forget about giving yourself a positive message, your ruining it for all those insecure girls out there who will be hurt by reading your shitty blog. get off the internet bitch, and go exercise or something if u have such a problem.

    1. Fuck off. Let her do whatever she wants. It's her life not yours so stop judging. She knows the consequences of her choices. We all do. And it's her choice to keep it up

    2. u need to shut the fuck up bro if ur tryna send out a positive message stop putting down someone whose obviously also insecure and unhappy with themselves u fucking dumbass people like u honestly deserve a zipper as a mouth

  5. Hun- even Twiggy didn't want to be a Twiggy. :/

  6. People notice a walking skeleton cause they say "eww". I'm really thin and I hate being described as 90,100lbs.
    Btw...if you don't eat and deprive your body of nutrients your body holds on to fat. Not only that but you will look sallow and have an unhealthy complexion, not a beautiful one. You will be skinny but not beautiful.
    At least eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. There really isn't anything wrong with those and they will give you a nice complexion.

  7. and by the way, vitamins (as you mentioned previously) are synthetic and don't provide you with what you need as the body doesn't really recognize them and are like "what the hell are these". I studied that in nutrition for a long time. They can actually cause your body to hold on to stored weight as "toxins" and without fiber from fruits and vegetables to push out the toxins, well you don't really get where you want anyways.

    you can be thin and eat healthy...just look at Miranda Kerr's diet. And she eats four tbsp of coconut oil in her tea daily! All fat but good for the skin and metabolism.

    I'm average height and almost 100lbs and I eat loads of fruit/veg/Sunwarrior protein shakes with quinoa and millet. Stop thinking you need to starve to be skinny.

    and green tea isn't as good for your "complexion" as everyone says it is

  8. I understand what you're going through. People are tough on others and judge then for their appearances, but that dies not mean you have to starve yourself. I KNOW what it feels like right now..because I starved myself from 180 to 120. But I found out it wasn't worth it. I became anemic. Got sick so many times because my body immunity was weakened because of fat loss. Got dumped by the same guy I tried losing weight for because he was scared of my visible ribs...

    Doing all that...I realized health is wealth. Id have died much sooner if I hadn't stopped eating one boiled egg per day and throwing up later. Now I'm at a well balanced 135 and I'm happy...well rounded and happy...because Ive accepted how perfect I am. The trick is, you need to mold yourself into your OWN perception of perfection..not by the standards of someone else.. just my two cents...or you're probably just gonna realize this on your own pace..either way, I wish u best of luck and lots of love :D

  9. Thank you soooo much!!! Im freaking obessed with this blog!! I want to get skinnier so bad but i dont even have TIME to exercise!! And i try to not eat, and reading these tips helps me put off eating over and over again. Thankss!!

  10. I love you for this and everyone who is being negative about this should really just fuck off and go eat cakes and pie like the pigs they are. I am truly not happy when I feel fat, so if me being skinny makes me happy and makes other supporters of this blog happy then so be it, let us do our thing and stop judging us, we are on the pursuit of happiness not death. I would personally die happy and thin than an obese heart failure patient. AWESOME BLOG HUN <3

  11. these are unhealthy habits

  12. they're not helpful, they're harmful

  13. Hey i'm fat i weigh 170 lbs and im 5'4 disgusting... I know. Im trying to lose weight i tried eating and working out. Lost 10 pounds than easily got distracted and gained it all back. Now i want to starve myself because i cannot live another day looking in the mirror. Thanks for this blog, it works!! To the people showing negative energy, you're skinny you dont know what it's like to be fat. I fucking hate it and want to kill myself for eating all the junk i ate to make me this way. Dont judge us and let us do what makes us ease the pain.

  14. Alot of this is kinda stupid. The quote about wanting to walk in the snow and not leave footprints was from Richey Edwards (he was in a band called the Manic Street Preachers). His life philosophy is definitely not one you should be trying to emulate! He was literally insane - seriously Google it. Thin is good, so skinny you look like a walking skeleton is off putting.

  15. If you're going to hate on this blog, then GET OFF IT!

  16. Seriously this is how we actually feel, if you don't like it or support it then don't read it. Simple as that. Don't keep putting down our way of life or our life choices. Thank you so much for posting this, love your blog! <3

  17. All the people on her supporting this blog if you do what she says your going to die early like really early and boys will think your fucking disgusting they don't like skeletons they like fit girls that are beautiful with good habits so fuck all the supporters anorexia is a serious mentally problem get a real life.

  18. If all the haters have such a problem with the page, why don't they just fuck off. No one's forcing them to read it.

  19. Fat haters gonna hate. Just ignore them.

  20. Just because we are not your size doesn't mean we dont have feelings

  21. Everyone is beautiful. However, this lifestyle will not help you achieve beauty. You may get thin, but what use is thin when you're lying in your grave? We all fade away when we're dead, and if you want to be nothing but bones, then rotting in your grave is a perfect solution. I'm not telling you to die. That's not what I want at all. I want you to be happy and ALIVE. Anorexia and bulimia KILL. They kill your body, your soul, your sanity, and everything else good in your life. It may seem like a good fix, but in the end, you will NEVER be satisfied. You will continue starving until you die, and even then you will think you're fat. That's because eds give you a hugely distorted point of view. You could have a BMI of 16 and think you're huge. You're not. The truth is, if you turn to anorexia or bulimia, you may lose weight, but you will always FEEL fat. I'm sorry that you've fallen into a disease like this. Please get help, it's not to late to turn things around. Regain your health and your life, and THEN worry about your weight. If you wanna call me a "fat, ugly hater" that's fine, but my body doesn't change the truth in the words I'm saying. Please don't let ed destroy you. You're worth so much more.

  22. And I'm not saying this for any reason other than that I am genuinely concerned for anyone engaging in an ed lifestyle, and I want you to be healthy and happy. I know I can "just leave the page" but I want to help. My words may not have a lasting effect on most of you, but if they can help even one person realize how harmful eds are, then it will be worth it.

  23. I love these ones!
    07. If someone has to describe you, they'll say "oh she weighs like 90, 100 lbs".

    08. Guys will want to get to know you, not laugh at you and walk away.

    09. Starving is an example of excellent willpower.

    10. You will be able to see your beautiful, beautiful bones.

    11. Bones are clean and pure. Fat is dirty and hangs on your bones like a parasite.

  24. I've been trying to do this for the past week. The problem for me is that I have a HUGE weakness for sweet things... and I slipped up last night. But also, I'm kind of naturally lazy... and I have ADD so it's really hard to keep myself on track
    I've been trying my best, and since I started I've been happy :) But I'm still looking for the right encouragement to keep me on track for good >< I don't suppose anyone could help me with that..?

  25. This is horrible, what if a nine or ten year old saw this? If you have a younger brother/sister or a younger cousin, would you like them to see these tips? One third of people who get anorexia DIE. It's not a trend, it's a mental illness that kills thousands of people. I hope you realise that you're helping people to kill themselves.

  26. love your blog, if anyone wants to help me, message me! im starting this weekend (aka tomorrow) because on the weekends i stay with my bf and i hate asking him for food $ plus i dont wanna look like a fatty either. lol. so i think its the best time to start

  27. Please do more of these, i live by them. Your like a god to me <3

  28. Rose I am old but since finding thinsporation I have lost 30#in five weeks my goal is to be thin for the first time in my life... Thanks for your time and inspiration. The haters and so called concerned naysayers IGNORE them... People are not dumb OK some are you are not creating anorexic people .you are giving inspiration and you even used menus from a nutritionist so kudos to you!. �� Your blog stay healthy and strong. Bobbi

  29. okkkk clearly this starving is also shrinking your brain. Some people just can't get a thin body (even tho I do, I'm 5'8 and weight 105) but I'm happy and I eat whatever the heck I want. If you need to put yourself thru this much pain to get this "perfect body", know what will happen? Your hair will get limp and thin, and die and fall off. You'll be so distracted by weight that you don't focus on education and end up homeless. Guys like effortless beauty and confidence, not an insecure bag of bones. And think of your parents. Think of them holding baby you, naming that baby Rose because they hoped you would turn out beautiful and vibrant and colorful. Now look at yourself. What are you? Certainly none of those things. Don't you feel ashamed? At wasting their efforts, at wasting yourself.

  30. continued from above... these are not reasons to be fat, these are reasons to be HEALTHY. Rose, you described yourself as incredible, and I'm sure you could be incredible, if only you stopped this obsession to be thin. I swear I'm not hating, I just had a bestie die from anorexia and I personally watched her go from bubbly and sweet and normal sized to this haggard, limp haired, dead-eyed thing. You probably have so much ahead of you. If you focused on school, maybe college, you could end up with tons of money - enough money to hire the best professional nutritionist in the world, whose only job would be to make you look how you wanted. You could do it healthily, instead of starving yourself at the cost of your soul, and the other parts of you - hair, skin, nails. You might ignore every word I write, and if that happens I'll accept it. If you do do that, though, I'll say this: God bless you, you poor lost soul. Your sarcasm can't hurt me, it only hurts yourself - whatever is left of yourself.

  31. hello i am 14, i'm 5'8 and i weigh about 130 lbs. i'm pretty happy with my curves but i really want a smaller waist and less tummy fat. any tips?

  32. idk if anyone will see this since the comments aren't active but the last one "Beauty Queen? or Dairy Queen? HAHA I can't help but think about Kirstie Alley with this one. Aw poor lady. Maybe if she wasn't so damn huge I would lay off of her" cracked me up XD

  33. I need someone to help me stay on track. I have taken on ana but I think I need help staying on track...who can help me?

  34. how do i make sure my parents dont notice

  35. When I reach those 50kg I will be happy

  36. Yah... Food is the one place you get energy, and without energy you will die, so unless you can magically perform photosynthesis than I would be sure to eat food.
